The school has been awarded the International Dimension in Schools certification from British Council.
Transfer Certificate 2017-18
Governing Council Members
Important Links
School Philosophy
Director's Message
School Overview
Principles of Teaching
Sri Aurobindo Society
Transfer Cretificate
Director's Message
<style type="text/css"> h3, p, li, td{ color:#20292f; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; } p, li, td{ font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; word-spacing:1px; line-height: 22px; } .justify{ text-align:justify; } .red{ color:#c71e17; } .blue{ color:#1f77b7; } .sky{ color:#1bc1e3; } </style> <div class="row"> <div class="span2"> <div class="picture"> <a href="https://az704457.vo.msecnd.net/img/esstoragesv2/55563_bc42.png" rel="image" title="Image Title"> <img src="https://az704457.vo.msecnd.net/img/esstoragesv2/94319_aa2a.JPG" alt="" style="width:100%;"> </a> <h5 class="entry-title entry-title-portfolio">Mrs. Meera Singh<br>Director</h5> </div> </div> <div class="span6"> <p class="justify"><b>Dear Students & Well Wishers,</b></p> <p class="justify">We aim to develop a school that will implement the ideals of Integral Education envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother, which will develop childrens entire personalities including their physical, mental, vital and spiritual being.</p> <p class="justify">New Education is a term that is used by Sri Aurobindo for an education that is uniquely suited to the Indian mind and temperament, one that provides academic excellence and an opportunity for the child to know and express his inner self, and that allows him to grow at his own pace and reach his highest potential. Our endeavour is to provide a contemporary education deeply rooted in the ethos and culture of India, which will enable a child to take his place in the global community. The school is an English medium school but gives equal importance to Sanskrit and Hindi.</p> </div> </div> <p class="justify">In Sri Aurobindos words, <span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">"how we learn and make use of Sanskrit and the indigenous languages so as to get to the heart and intimate sense of our own culture and establish a vivid continuity between the still living power of our past and the yet uncreated power of our future.</span></p> <p class="justify"><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">Three things which have to be taken into account in a true and living education, the man, the individual, in his commonness and in his uniqueness, the nation, or people and universal humanity. It follows that this alone will be a true and living education which helps to bring out to full advantage, makes ready for the full purpose and scope of human all that is in the individual man and which at the same time helps him to enter into his right relation with the life mind and soul of the people to which he belongs and with that great total life mind and soul of humanity of which he himself is a unit and his people or nation a living, a separate yet inseparable member."</span></p> <p class="justify">The reputation of the Mothers International School run by the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Delhi, is only too well known. The Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry, too has established schools in many parts of India; its schools in Karnataka, Punjab, Chandigarh and Ratlam have earned a reputation of their own. They are all recognized not only as centres of academic excellence, but as schools with a difference. This distinction is born of their efforts to implement the ideals of education as envisioned by Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.</p> <p class="justify">This approach will also be reflected in the programs we intend to initiate in the fields of women’s education and social upliftment. </p>
Transfer Certificate 2017-18
Governing Council Members
Important Links
School Philosophy
Director's Message
School Overview
Principles of Teaching
Sri Aurobindo Society
Board: CBSE
Medium: English
Classes: Primary, Secondary, Higher, Middle, PlayGroup
Transportation: Bus, Van
Facilities: SmartClasses, Internet, Computer, ACRoom, ActivityHall, CCTVCamera, ConferenceHall, DanceRoom, Library, MedicalRoom, MusicRoom, Playground, ScienceLab
Sports: Cricket, Football, Basketball, Badminton, Chess, Gymnasium, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho_kho, Volleyball, Athletics
Timing: Morning
StreamType: Science, Arts, Commerce
InstituteType: School
Management: Private
Activity: Dance, Karate, Singing, Yoga, Skating