The school has been awarded the International Dimension in Schools certification from British Council.
Transfer Certificate 2017-18
Governing Council Members
Important Links
School Philosophy
Director's Message
School Overview
Principles of Teaching
Sri Aurobindo Society
Transfer Cretificate
School Philosophy
<style type="text/css"> h3, p, li, td{ color:#20292f; font-family: 'Poppins', sans-serif; } p, li, td{ font-size: 16px; font-weight: 400; word-spacing:1px; line-height: 22px; } .justify{ text-align:justify; } .red{ color:#c71e17; } .blue{ color:#1f77b7; } .sky{ color:#1bc1e3; } </style> <p class="justify" style="text-align: center; "><img src="https://az704457.vo.msecnd.net/img/esstoragesv2/94415_ce59.jpg" style="width: 280px;"></p><p class="justify"><br></p><p class="justify">The sense of progressing, the joy of being able to overcome challenges has to be taught to the children at a very early stage. This sense and this joy would follow the growth and development of the child according to its need and capacities.</p> <p class="justify">Thus, as the child develops, it will be able to assess its own progress and to face challenges in that spirit.</p> <p class="justify">The aspiration for a constant progress is accompanied by other qualities that can be easily identified: courage, determination, will power, trust, discernment, observation, self-discipline, are a few among others. In an Integral Education, these qualities would form the base itself of teaching. An educational system that is trying to grow into Integral Education would look for a more flexible way of teaching. In such case, the development of those qualities can give the assurance that the whole being is progressing towards a more complete, integral, human being.</p> <p class="justify">New Education is a term that is used by Sri Aurobindo for an education that is uniquely suited to the Indian mind and temperament, one that provides academic excellence and an opportunity for the child to know and express his inner self, and that allows him to grow at his own pace and reach his highest potential. Our endeavor is to provide a contemporary education deeply rooted in the ethos and culture of India, which will enable a child to take his place in the global community. </p> <p class="justify">The inclusion of Arts in a normal curriculum is an excellent way to apply that: Music, Drama, Dance, Painting, can open a child’s inner spaces, giving her\him possibilities to discover and explore capacities that are behind and beyond the ones that the mind offers to us.</p> <p class="justify">The body, the vital energy, the mind, the emotions, the psychic can be present during a play. A selection of good texts, both, challenging and elevating, can do much for an integral development of the child.</p> <p class="justify">Without the sense of progress how can any educational system be inspiring and uplifting?</p> <p class="justify">Without the sense of progress how can a child grow in happiness towards the fullness of his being?</p> <p class="justify">To progress is to keep moving forward, towards a goal, to a further or higher state.</p>
Transfer Certificate 2017-18
Governing Council Members
Important Links
School Philosophy
Director's Message
School Overview
Principles of Teaching
Sri Aurobindo Society
Board: CBSE
Medium: English
Classes: Primary, Secondary, Higher, Middle, PlayGroup
Transportation: Bus, Van
Facilities: SmartClasses, Internet, Computer, ACRoom, ActivityHall, CCTVCamera, ConferenceHall, DanceRoom, Library, MedicalRoom, MusicRoom, Playground, ScienceLab
Sports: Cricket, Football, Basketball, Badminton, Chess, Gymnasium, Handball, Kabaddi, Kho_kho, Volleyball, Athletics
Timing: Morning
StreamType: Science, Arts, Commerce
InstituteType: School
Management: Private
Activity: Dance, Karate, Singing, Yoga, Skating